Warm up activities at the initial part of the session

Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 16, 2014 with No comments
The more the educator can manage classroom to be a supportive environment, where students are encouraged to take risks without fear of being put down or teased, the easier it will be to use these activities regularly, without feeling that you are setting students up for failure.

Good at the beginning of class to wake everyone up! Call out commands such as: sit down, stand up, walk in a circle, clap your hands...stop, jumping jacks...stop etc. At first students will copy you but later they should be able to do the commands by themselves. Let the students stand in a line and give them instructions: "Jump 10 times", "Turn around 4 times" etc.

A two or five minute Omkar activity will also help student to refresh their mind and to have more concentration in the class. So that the further learning can become better and effective.

The activity of asking questions regarding their hobbies, favorite cartoon or television show, favorite game, and favorite place etc type of questions at the initial part of session will also make them fresh for the further session.

Do a inter connection exercise: In some of the early classes in the semester, give students a three-minute “interconnection” exercise. Before it starts, teach them the importance of making contacts and meeting key people to their careers. Then tell them to stand up, move around the room and find a student they don’t know or know very little. Give them an exercise such as a question relevant to the class or finding out something unique about the person and then have them report back to the whole class on what they learned from each other.

These activities are important as they provide proper refreshments to the students that refresh their mind and also body. It helps educators to create good rapport and can be a good link between the educator and student for teaching and learning activities. These types of activities help the educator to make students ready mentally and physically for the further session and activities.

Are there any other ideas you use as warm up activities at the initial part of the session? Please share them in the comments space below.
