Save Environment

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, June 05, 2014 with 1 comment
To spread the worldwide awareness of environmental issues 5th of June is celebrated as world environment day instituted by United Nations. It is a day to promote caring of planet, earth and to initiate with positive environmental actions. World Environment Day started in 1972 as a day for individuals from all kinds of different backgrounds to meet up to guarantee a cleaner, greener and brighter standpoint for themselves and future eras.
World Environment Day
The 2014 theme for World Environment Day will focus on 'Small Islands and Climate Change', the official slogan for the year 2014 is 'Raise Your Voice Not The Sea Level.

The UN General Assembly proclaimed 2014 as the International Year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). World Environment Day (WED) 2014 will be celebrated under the theme of SIDS, with the objective of bringing awareness of their unique development challenges and successes regarding a range of environmental problems, including climate change, waste management, unsustainable consumption, degradation of natural resources, and extreme natural disasters. UNEP is likewise requesting votes for the 2014 WED slogan through 5 March 2014. The winning slogan will be utilized to approach the global WED community to take action for islands.  

There are several easy steps you can take to help create a clean environment and a healthier planet including the following ideas:

A little bit simple life can contribute more to the clean environment. This can be done by using properly the things that you have and not to buy that you really not need. And that will result in to less waste that has to go into our already full landfills. And it will create better environment.

Organic Recycled & Environmentally Friendly Products Utilize fewer items that hail from trees in your home and at work. This is referred to as having a tree free home. Utilizing less tree items will mean more trees will be spared and that prompts better air quality. Simple approaches to utilize less tree items incorporate utilizing clothes rather than paper towels, material napkins rather than paper ones, utilizing tissue that holds no less than 80% reused waste, utilizing both sides of papers you have and print in your home, and just utilizing wood within your home that is effortlessly reestablished.

In the event that you can have less waste left your home, the landfills won't be so flooding for future eras. You can do this by buying items with as little packaging as possible and recycling as much of your waste as possible. Likewise, purchasing just what you need will lead to less waste and that will help the earth.

An alternate approach to help a clean environment and to prevent the environmental issues is to make moves to get less garbage mail so the papers don't get sent to landfills. Likewise, you can purchase reusable shopping bags for all your shopping needs so you don't utilize plastic and paper bags that simply escape. Plastic bags particularly are terrible for nature. In the event that you have unused things, you can give them to somebody who can utilize them as opposed to discarding them.

It is easy to take steps to create a clean environment. If everyone makes a few small changes, it will have a big impact on our environment. We all need to be focused on creating a clean environment.

The following activities can be arranged at schools to aware the children about the environmental issued and also the importance of clean environment to have better present as well as future also.

A Skit can be performed by students to create awareness about planting trees.

All the Students contributed unused papers from old notebooks; senior students bound them into notebooks which can be distributed to economically backward children.

Collage making competition on Environment.

All students can plant a tree each in their neighborhood.

Plantation of environment friendly tree saplings

Talk on Environment Protection

Art Competition on Environment Protection amongst students of nearby schools

Displaying of movies related to Environment Protection
Save Environment 
Keeping the Earth clean improves the environment in many ways. Keeping the environment clean reduces pollution, which is bad for the environment. Rubbish such as plastic bags frequently finds their way into oceans/rivers where they tend to trap and suffocate aquatic life such as fish. So reducing paper bag use is an important step. Cleaning the environment is important because it will protect our health, this beautiful and wonderful world is turning into a garbage heap help clean it. If you don't have clean environment; pollution will spread and nature will die. Remember cleanliness is close to godliness.

Comment below if you have any other ideas to save environment to have better present and future life.