Student and Discipline

It seems very funny looking at this picture and also many of you or your friends have done this during your school days. But at the same time it is very important for children to maintain self discipline from the teen age to carry it in the future life and to make the future better.

Discipline doesn’t only mean to behave properly for the sake of showing others your goodness but it is having wide sense as to be focused on work and goal, to perform duties efficiently, to have some work ethics, to be responsible, have an incremental improvement etc.

It also doesn’t mean that discipline ruin the fun element from our life but discipline is the thing that makes person better and provide the sense about when to work with enthusiasm and passion and when to pursue with enjoyment in life which are two different important elements of one’s life.

“Self-discipline is the key to personal greatness. It is the magic quality that opens all doors for you, and makes everything else possible. With self-discipline, the average person can rise as far and as fast as his talents and intelligence can take him. But without self-discipline, a person with every blessing of background, education and opportunity will seldom rise above mediocrity.” ~ Brian Tracy

In every walk of life, discipline is of highest value. Discipline is the backbone of character. Without discipline, nothing extraordinary might be fulfilled in life.

When we talk about the student life it is said to be the best life ever. And the most important thing to learn from it is discipline. Each and every student has to maintain self discipline. In order to drive life in right direction a person is normally found to be disciplined from his childhood.. 

A student must be prepared to watch discipline from his initial years. His habits, behavior, developments, speeches everything ought to be guided by the term of teach so that a decent identity could be procured in his later life that helps one in one's upliftment. Here are a few cases of extraordinary identities who have attained incredible heights throughout their life for which self discipline has played an extraordinary part in their life.

Abdul Kalam a working boy at 8:
When Kalam was a school student and 8years’ old his day would begin at four in the morning and end at 11 pm. His father wasn't educated, yet he wanted Kalam to study. Kalam would get up at 4 am, bathe, and afterward go for his math class, After his morning class his father take him to the Arabic School where he learnt the Quran Sharif.

Then Kalam along with his cousin Samsuddin went around town by train to distribute the newspaper for that he picked up the bundles, separated them up into bunches according to the neighbourhoods in which the papers had to be distributed and complete the work of distribution before 8 am and he then returened to home and used to take his breakfast. Then he went to school. 

In the evening, after school was over, he would do the rounds of Samsuddin’s newspaper clients again, collecting their dues from them. Then he would meet Samsuddin, so he could work out the accounts of the day.

After that sitting somewhere near the sea, with the breeze blowing in, Jalalluddin or Samsuddin would finally open up the day’s paper and one of them would read aloud the news items and discussion goes on related to that. After that he used to have dinner. There was homework to be done, and even an eight-year-old has only that much energy to spend. By 9 pm he would be fast asleep, as the next day more studies and the life of a working man lay in store all over again.

This is how Kalam have always completed his all responsibilities and have always been a self disciplined person.

Sachin Tendulkar a Master Blaster:

Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin Tendulkar a very famous cricketer who have given so many reasons to our country to be proud. By starting his career at a teen age he has made so many records. His life has provides us lots of inspiration to be focused and self disciplined.

Achrekar coach of sachin started by coaching Sachin in the mornings before school and in the evenings after his school got over. Tendulkar used to practice for hours at end and whenever he became tired Achrekar used to place a one rupee coin at the top of his stumps. The condition was that Sachin could keep them if he did not get out and Sachin collected 13 coins this way, which he still regards as being among his most treasured possessions. 

That shows his passion and hard work that he had done at a very teen age of being a school student. Discipline involves tirelessness and incremental improvement, over the last two decades, if Tendulkar’s batting has shown us anything, it is the sheer virtue of discipline of the extra half-hour spent in the nets.

His discipline is even more attractive than his straight drive; the latter is only the mastery of a cricket ball, after all, while the former is the mastery of a formidable mind and body.

“The most important lesson is the fact that talent without discipline is useless tinsel. It takes you nowhere.”
You give yourself that much more time and opportunity to succeed. And if you can remain focused and humble, the sky is the limit,” 

In a battle-field also, every soldier must obey the command of his higher officers. If not, the army, lacking discipline, is likely to lose the battle. It is only that a disciplined army is found to march forward and win the war.

A person must show his sense of discipline to his family, and then to his country. It is very important to enforce discipline also into the family life. Then, one is able to appreciate and accept the blessings of discipline in public life, too. Discipline is an essential habit that everyone should possess as a civilized citizen.